If you’re reading this, you’ve most likely come here from my Tumblr, where I’ve been writing horror erotica for a year and a half now. If you follow me on Tumblr, you have also most likely seen me touting my Bluesky and encouraging people to follow me on other platforms. So, let me start off by making something very clear:
I am not leaving Tumblr.
It’s been my home on the internet for literally half my life, and I have intention of abandoning it right now. However, in light of the sites continued crackdown on transgender users, specifically transfems and trans folks who post adult content, I feel increasingly unstable in my position there, at a time when I’m also trying to decide if I can make a full-time career out of being a writer. This instability is simply not acceptable to me, and I need to diversify my platforms.
So, why Substack?
Substack is one of the few more professional platforms I’ve looked into that will actually allow me to post the kind of writing I excell at, and which most of you follow me for. Like patreon and ko-fi, it will not allow me to monotize this writing due to the agreement is has with the payment processor Stripe, but I’ve decided I’m okay with that. Instead, I’ve started an additional publication to this one for entirely SFW writing, including short stories, essays, and think pieces about current events with regard to transgender life in the US right now. That publication will eventually be monitized, but I want to make clear that it is unrelated to this one, and you should only subscribe to it if you feel it stands on it’s own merits. If you want to check it out, it’s called Kerosene on Peaches.
I also like Substack because of some of the tools it offers, and because it gives me the ability to release new stories that go straight to my subscribers inboxes. One of the most common notes I get when I reblog previously published stories is people who follow me saying “I can’t believe I never read this one before!”, and I hope this will make discovery of those new stories easier.
Where does Bluesky fit into all this?
Bluesky is… my backup social media platform. I do intend to be active there, but most of my social attention will still be on Tumblr, as it is by far my favourite social platform. I never really did get the hang of twitter, and I feel the same way about it’s butterfly clone. That said, my experience there so far has been mostly quite lovely, and there’s some folks i’ve had fun chatting with, so I’ll try and maintain that presence. If you want to follow me there, you can find me @puppygirllaika
How will this impact your writing?
Well, hopefully, it means there will be a lot more of it! By diving into this seriously and dedicating a lot more time and energy to it, I’m hoping to produce at least two fully fledged pieces per week, one of which will be a short horror-erotica story on this blog, the other of which will be an essay, think piece, or SFW short story on my other publication. I may also publish additional pieces in between, but I make no promises in that regard. Honestly, just publishing two things a week will be quite the challenge for me, especially considering some of my longer “short” stories have taken months to actually put out. I’m still trying to finish one i started in august.
That being said, some of what’s posted here may end up being shorter then the average story on my existing blog. My goal is to post nothing under 1,000 words, but don’t expect something the length of “Transition Diary of a Sex Doll” every week.
Will you be moving your existing work over here?
I’m undecided on that at the moment. I’m leaning towards not, because I think that might be a lot of unnecessary double-posting, but at the same time it would be nice to have everything acessible in one place. I may move just the stuff I deem of sufficient length and quality from my current roster of stories, but I will not be removing my existing collection from Tumblr, nor do I currently plan to remove anything I’ve posted to AO3. That said, I have decided to discontinue posting new work to AO3, as I only did that to prevent my online archive from vanishing all-together, and now that I have two other platforms from which to share and promote my work, it feel uncnecessary. Furthermore, my original fiction doesn’t really align with the goals of AO3 as a platform, so it doesn’t feel like a good fit to continue posting there.
Why does your about page read like you’re picking a fight with yourself
Because I already get enough asks and messages saying those exact things, so I figure if i get them out of the way right off the bat… well, people will still send me those same things, but it’ll be easier for me to just ignore them since I know they either never read, or missed the point of, the about page.
Why did you name your other publication “Kerosene and Peaches”?
Go read the about page for that blog, this is a different thing.
Are you having fun interviewing yourself?
I love you.
Please, I know I’m amazing, but no comments during the interview, questions only.
Will you domme me?
Only if we’re friends.
If a train left Chicago going 90 miles per hour, and ano-